Below is a breakdown of what time zone specific areas in the platform use.
Where in the platform? | Time zone details? | Can it be changed? |
User's time zone | Time zone is based on user's location | Can be changed in user settings |
Building timezones | This is set up when a building is created | Automatically set as a result of the address of a building. The address can be changed if required via Estate Management |
All Solution Views | Based on building time zones | Can be configured in Estate Management |
Some widgets still have configurable timezones rather than per-building, e.g desk occupancy heatmap widget, pipe monitoring | Widget specific/ building specific | Can be configured in the widget on the Dashboard page |
Some sensors have timezone fields in their configuration, e.g electricity dry pulse counter, Monnit CT Clamp | Sensor specific | "Configuration and Details" in Sensor settings |
Reports | Time zone selected by the user | Can be decided at the time the report is made |
Alerts | Time zone selected by the user, but only to determine notification schedule. Alerts trigger when conditions are met, regardless of time zones. | In alerts settings there is a specific dropdown in the form to select the timezone you want the alert schedule to use |