Already a user of Smart Cleaning using the Smart Cleaning Widget?
Already a user of Smart Cleaning using the Smart Cleaning Widget?
As of 11/04/2023, the Smart Cleaning Widget on the Dashboards page was deprecated and replaced by a more comprehensive set of Smart Cleaning tools. All previous Smart Cleaning Widgets now show a message similar to the below:
Moving forward, your Smart Cleaning settings are found in the Estate Management Solution Settings page, with a new live Smart Cleaning lens available via Building View.
The below guide shows you how to set up your Smart Cleaning Settings. For more information about how to use the live Smart Cleaning lens in Building View, please see this page.
This guide provides a walk through of how to configure key features within our Smart Cleaning solution, such as:
Setting up locations in which you are deploying the Smart Cleaning solution
Set up and manage cleaning rules that trigger a clean required rating based on passing a threshold of space uses
Set up cleaning rules that enable you set different thresholds based on space type e.g for a meeting room, a desk or a restroom
Set a custom time when sensors are auto reset to ensure cleaning completes and feedback can be tracked per day, week or month
Schedule automated push cleaning reports to be sent directly via email
Configuring your Smart Cleaning settings
As with other parts of the Infogrid Platform (Such as configurable pipe monitoring thresholds), you can configure your smart cleaning settings from the Estate Management Settings page, found by clicking onto the settings icon found towards the bottom of the left hand side navigation bar.
To get started, select “Manage Solutions”. From this screen there are a number of different Smart Cleaning Settings that you can configure:
Smart Cleaning Locations
The Smart Cleaning Locations section allows you to select which parts of your estate you would like to be included in the Smart Cleaning solution. This includes which Buildings, Floors and Spaces within your estate that you would like to receive Smart Cleaning reports for, and which of these you would like to see live Smart Cleaning data for in the Building View.
To get started, select “Edit Locations”:
Next, select which buildings you would like to include in the Smart Cleaning solution by selecting the checkbox next to each building. Selecting the checkbox on the first page will auto-select all floors and spaces within this building. If you would like to only select certain floors, or spaces within one of your buildings, you can expand the building by clicking on the “>” button on the right hand side to select the appropriate checkbox for the floor(s) or space(s) that you would like to include:
Manage Cleaning Rules
The “Manage Cleaning Rules” section allows you to enter the the number of uses after which a space needs to be cleaned. You can set rules at an individual space level, or select floors and buildings to apply a rule to all the spaces within them.
Setting your Smart Cleaning rules at a Building Level
To get started, simply select which building(s) you would like to set your cleaning rules for. If you would like to set cleaning rules for a specific floor or space within a building, select the “>” button next to the building to drill into the floors or spaces within this building. If you want to set the same rules to multiple buildings, floors, or spaces; select all those that apply, or click the “All Buildings” selection. Once you have selected the building(s), floor(s), or space(s) that you would like to set cleaning rules for by ticking the checkbox, click the “edit selection” button:
From the pop up window that appears, enter the number of uses that this selected location needs to have received before cleaning is required. For example, if you would like a cleaner to check if cleaning is required after 5 uses, but you would like a cleaner to definitely clean a desk area after 10 uses, you would set “Might need clean” as 5 uses, and “Must be cleaned” as 10 uses. If you’d prefer to ignore the “Might need clean” state, simply select ‘n/a’ in the dropdown.
Tip: 1 use is dictated after 120 seconds of "usage" for any sensor. EG if a desk occupancy sensor, senses that the desk is occupied for 120 seconds or more minimum then this will count as 1 usage. If an occupant only occupies a desk for less than 120 seconds then this will not constitute usage. For proximity sensors (EG door opening/closing), 1 usage is calculated by 1 open and 1 close event for each proximity sensor. EG if a toilet stall is opened and then closed this will count as 1 usage - 1 usage is NOT determined by each open and close count separately.
If the locations you’ve selected had different cleaning thresholds applied to them, you’ll need to select new values for both “Might need clean” and “Must be cleaned”.
Once you have your rules set, click “Save”.
Setting your Smart Cleaning Rules by Space Type
You may prefer to set your Smart Cleaning rules by space type, rather than by building, floor, or space. To do this, click “Set by space type”:
Setting your Smart Cleaning Rules by Space Type allows you to set rules based on the type of space that your sensors are installed in. This means that you can have different Smart Cleaning rules for desks compared to restrooms areas for example.
Note that setting a rule by a space type will overwrite any rules that you have previously set to the same locations.
Simply select the space type(s) that you would like to set your Smart Cleaning rules for:
Next, select whether you would like these Smart Cleaning rules to apply to this space type within only a selection of locations, or across your entire estate:
Next, enter the number of uses after which the space type should be cleaned. For example, if you would like a cleaner to check if cleaning is required after 5 uses, but you would like a cleaner to definitely clean a desk area after 10 uses, you would set “Might need a clean” as 5 uses, and “Must be cleaned” as 10 uses. If you’d prefer to ignore the “Might need clean” state, simply select ‘n/a’ in the dropdown.
Once you have your rules set, click “Save”.
Schedule Sensor Reset Time
Smart Cleaning sensors should be reset daily. The sensors are reset to 'Doesn't need clean' for the next day's use. You may have a night cleaning team; in this case it would make sense to schedule the sensor reset to their finish time. As a default, the reset time is 23:30 at the building's local time, but you can change this if you wish. Many users for example like their Smart Cleaning solution to reset at midnight each day so that the following day, the systems starts afresh. You can set a custom time for your reset to take place. To do this, select “Schedule Sensor Reset Time”, and select which Building(s), Floor(s), or Space(s) that you would like to schedule your reset.
Note your reset time will be set the same across your estate and at this time cannot be set at a building or space level.
On the following screen, enter the time that you would like the Smart Cleaning Schedule to reset:
Schedule Smart Cleaning Reports
Scheduling your Smart Cleaning Reports can be arranged via the “Schedule Reports” section. If you have already scheduled any Smart Cleaning Report(s), then these are shown on the first page. If you need to edit your report, you can do this by selecting the building and choosing the appropriate report from the list:
To create a new Smart Cleaning Report Schedule, select “New Report”:
From the next screen, start by selecting a building, or floor that you would like to schedule this report for, confirm a time of day that you would like to schedule the report to send, choose a language, and enter any email addresses that you would like to receive the report. Finally, choose a page size, and select whether you would like your floorplan to appear on 1 page, or to be split across multiple pages.
Once you have completed all of the information, click “save” to save your report schedule. Your Smart Cleaning report will automatically be emailed to all recipients at the time that you selected.