Firstly, you will want to set up your dashboard - for a general guide to setup this up visit here.
Step by Step Guide to setting up your widget
Add Widgets to your Dashboard
To enable you to get started quickly and easily, we have created a dashboard library, where you can pick pre-built widgets that are specific to the use case you are employing.
Widgets are customized graphs that sit within your overall dashboard. Different widgets are relevant for different use cases.
Once you have added your dashboard, you are ready to add widgets using the "Add Widget" button.
The Building Water Safety widget can be found by scrolling through the list of pre-built widgets to "Building Water Safety:
Clicking "Next" once you have selected the widget will open the widget configuration screen. Then select the buildings that would like to be included in your widget by selecting the appropriate checkbox(s).
Next, click "Monitoring Type" to select whether yo would like your widget to visualise risks associated with Temperature, Water Movement, or Both:
Note: Depending on your selection different information will be visualised in your widget:
Temperature - whether a pipe has reached its threshold temperature. Temperature thresholds settings are configured in pipe monitoring settings in the platform.
Water Movement - whether at least one water movement has been detected in the pipe during the time period.
Combined / Both: This will display both water movement and temperature in a single widget
Finally, select the time period that you would like to be visualised in your widget:
Confused about which time period to select?
Confused about which time period to select?
7 days rolling - often used for Water Movement monitoring , regulations typically state that water needs to be detected to be moving every 7 days. If no water movement has been detected then the pipe needs to be manually flushed by an engineer.
30 days rolling - often used for Temperature monitoring, regulations typically state that Water needs to reach threshold temperatures once in a given 30 day period to meet the required standards. For more information see Pipe Monitoring thresholds.
Your widget can be renamed once it has been created by hovering over the widget title until the pencil appears:
Using your Building Water Safety Widget
If no buildings are at risk If no buildings are at risk (i.e. all the pipes pass the threshold requirements) - then the widget displays in green and informs the users no action needs to be taken. | |
If buildings are at Risk If some pipes fail to meet the monitoring conditions, then the widget will turn red and display a list of buildings which have failed. | |
The top left displays the number of buildings are risk | |
The top right displays the causes of the risk: | |
Underneath a user can see a list of the buildings and types of risk | |
A user can drill down in specific buildings to understand which pipes are at risk. Clicking on the pipes at risk - a modal will pop up with details about the floor, and pipes at risk. | |
A user can dive deeper by clicking on the pipe to be taken to individual sensor information |
Best Practice
If you are responsible for both Water Movement and Temperature, it is recommended that two widgets are created.
Water Movement - with a 7 day time period.
Temperature - with a 30 day rolling period.
This makes it very easy to spot what issues are causing the risks and allows engineers to understand what needs to be done.