The Offline sensors tab enables you to view sensors that are offline making it much easier to identify issues quickly. This page will display the sensors that are currently offline making it much easier to identify them so that you can get them back online faster. This is a feature that needs to be enabled by your Customer Success Manager or Support so if you do not have it, please contact Support.
'Offline' can be found as a tab at the top of the 'Sensors view' page.
Offline sensors page
On the Offline sensors page you will find a summary bar at the top of the page that provides details about the total numbers of Sensors and Hubs deployed for the organization. You can filter by building/floor/spaces and this will change the totals in the summary bar.
Note: deselecting all buildings/floors/spaces will show all offline sensors and hubs for the organisation - useful for identifying offline devices that aren't mapped to a building.
Total number of Hubs
Total number of Sensors
Number of installed Hubs that are offline. Also shown as a % of the total hubs
Number of installed Sensors that are offline. Also shown as a % of the total sensors
Below the summary bar you will see two more tables, the first showing offline hubs and the second showing offline sensors. You are also able to filter by hub(s)/sensor(s) type.
You will find details of the individual hub(s)/sensor(s) that are currently offline along with the below information:
Device Type : Icon showing the sensor or hub type
Name : name of the sensor/hub with a link to the sensor detail page
Location : The Building/Floor/Space that the sensor/hub is located
Time Offline : Between now and when the sensor/hub was last heard from. This column is sortable based on the longest or shortest times.
Last Seen : The time when the sensor/hub was last heard from.
Floorplan : This is a link to the floor plan view where the sensor is located.
Export Function
To help offline analysis of the offline sensor there is the option to export the data to a csv file. This can be initiated through the Export button at the top of the page.
The file will include all the sensors and hubs that are offline at that time.