Uploading your floor plans and mapping your sensors is an integral part of the setup. The floor plans provided from you (the customer) are ideally clear and concise; accurately reflecting the floors for the buildings the sensors are actively reporting data from.
When you look at the floor views it is a simple overhead view of the location of the sensors and their live data. This allows you to get visuals which can provide quick oversight and allow for even faster adjustments.
Step by Step Guide
Step 1 - Identify and click on the “Floors” Tab on the left side of the platform.
Step 2 - Identify and select the building you want to upload the floor plan and/or map sensors for (if you have more than one building in your account).
Step 3 - Select the floor you want to upload the floor plan and/or map the sensors for.
Remember: If floor plans aren’t uploaded yet you can follow Step 4 and Step 5 below or reach out to your customer success manager for guidance, as this needs to be done first. THIS MUST BE DONE ON COMPUTER CANNOT BE DONE ON MOBILE DEVICE)
Step 4 - If floor plans haven't been uploaded yet, you will see the visual below prompting you to "Upload Floor Plan". Click on the blue "Upload Floor Plan" button to proceed.
Step 5 - Once you click on the blue "Upload Floor Plan" button you will be able to select the desired file from your computer and edit the floor plan image before pressing "save" and successfully uploading it to the Infogrid platform.
Remember: You should see a clear floor plan in front of you and a list of sensors on the right side of the page. If you don’t have any sensors OR the sensor you want, you can go to the folders view, select the sensors for this floor, press the ‘Move’ button and move them to this floors folder.
Remember: On the right side of the page where the sensor list is. The ones that are greyed out are the sensors which are not mapped yet)
Step 6 - Click and drag the sensor on the list to the accurate position of the floor plan.
If you have dropped the sensor in the wrong location, simply click on the sensor on the floor plan, and click ‘move sensor’. This will allow you to pick it up and drag it to the appropriate location. You can also click ‘remove sensor’ if you choose to remove it altogether.