In some occasions you might need to move a device to a different room, space, floor, or building. There are 2 ways that this can be done:
1. Moving the sensor from one folder to another using the “Move” function, which retains all sensor settings other than mapping to your floorplan. If moving a sensor using this method, the sensor will retain its’ name, and historical data, but will need to be re-mapped to your floorplan in its’ new location.
2. Removing the device completely by reinstalling the device which will also allow you to re-configure the device back to standard settings (useful if re-utilising a desk occupancy sensor as an ambient temperature sensor for example). If moving a sensor using this method the sensor will need to be set up from scratch using the installation flow again.
Using the “Move” function
1. To move your sensor using the “Move” function, simply navigate to the sensor that you would like to relocate by finding the sensor in the “folders” page:
2. Now, select the checkbox next to the sensor that you need to move:
3. Then, click the “Move selected” button from the top of the screen:
4. Finally, follow the onscreen prompts, to select the new location of your sensor. If this sensor is currently mapped to a floorplan then you will need to confirm that you would like to remove this sensor from your current floorplans:
Moving a sensor demonstration:
Re-Installing and re-configuring your device
How to re-install and re-configure a device
Go to the Settings at the bottom left hand corner of the platform
Click Start Install
Should you see a message saying "Do you want to override the configuration?" please click Yes.
A pop up will appear asking you to Identify the device. Every device can be identified 2 ways:
You will then need to configure the device by completing all the relevant sections like in the image below. When complete click save.
Now it's time to install the physical device in your chosen location.
At your chosen location, wait for the screen below to appear to show that your device is connected to the cloud. If the device is not connected you will see other screens appear, with suggestions on troubleshooting.
Remember: it can take up to an hour for the Cloud Connectors (CCON) and DT devices to appear connected in the platform. In the meantime you will see the screen below appear. You may want to click Continue Offline to speed it up, then you can check all the sensors are online after you have configured it.
Configure the device for Pipe Monitoring
Building name
Select the building you are installing the device in
Once you have installed your first device this will be pre-populated with the building that you last installed the device in
Make sure you change this when you move to a different building to install a device
Floor name
Select the floor you are installing the device on
Once you have installed your first device this will be pre-populated with the floor that you last installed the device in
Make sure you change this when you move to a different floor to install a device
Room name
This field will only appear if you have created folders for rooms on each floor.
Select the room you are installing the device in
Once you have installed your first device this will be pre-populated with the room that you last installed the device in
Make sure you change this when you move to a different room to install a device
Device name
Type the name of the device, following your company's naming convention
This is where you will need to name the device so that it can be located by an engineer responding to alerts
Select pipe type
This field will only be displayed when configuring a sensor that will monitor legionella in pipes. It will not appear for all other devices. It is very important this is done correctly as it affects the compliance reporting, therefore is a required field.
Select the pipe type you have installed the sensor to; Hot, Hot - POU Heater, Cold, Calorifier Flow, Calorifier Return etc.
This will add a tag to the sensor name when viewing it in the platform (shown below), so it will be easy for others to identify
Remember: If installing on a hot tap, it is important to note whether that tap is being fed by a Point of Use (POU) Water Heater. If it is you will need to select Hot - POU Heater. If it is not, you select Hot.
Temperature offset
This field will only be displayed when configuring a sensor that will monitor legionella in pipes. It will not appear for all other devices.
When monitoring pipes, the sensor is installed on the outside of a pipe, and therefore measures the temperature of the pipe, not the water
An offset can be applied here to ensure you are accounting for this, and therefore reporting the temperature of the water in the platform.
See here for instructions of how to apply a temperature offset, either using our standard offset table, or following the process to measure a different offset for each pipe individually
Add label
Add labels to the device following your company guidance
Your company should have created a list of labels prior to you installing devices, and specified how they would like you to use these
Install the physical device
Follow instructions to install the device. These will vary by the device you are installing.
You can find guidance on how to install different types of devices here.
Hints & Tips
For recommended browsers see here.
If you can't see the 'Install' button make sure you are in the 'Sensor' view, by clicking on the 'Sensors' tab. It will not appear in other places