Aquicore offers a wide array of reports, alerts, and notifications for your building or portfolio via email and SMS notification. Setting up the ideal notifications will help ensure you never miss an opportunity or anomaly.
Review the reports and alerts you are subscribed to in one place via the Notifications Hub. Conveniently manage your notification preferences and opt-out of undesired notifications.
Each Aquicore user in your portfolio controls their notifications through their personal account settings. Subscribing or unsubscribing from reports is a simple process. Navigate to the Notifications Hub following these steps:
Using the left-hand menu, scroll down to the 'SETUP' section.
Click 'Settings' to expand the dropdown menu.
Select 'User Notification Settings'.
From here, users can unsubscribe from recurring emails by content type or building. Simply click the drop-down arrow for the property you wish to manage notifications and select Configure to review or update specific emails or Unsubscribe to be removed from all notifications for that specific category.
For example: Unsubscribing to building reports will unsubscribe you to ALL reports. You cannot select which reports you'd like to unsubscribe from (ex. daily, monthly). If you'd like to subscribe or individually unsubscribe to reports, utilities, or alerts, follow the guides linked.
The categories below include the following subscriptions:
Usage-based alerts
Fault-based alerts
Optimal Start alerts
Building-level Report
Daily Status
Monthly Status
Building Engineering Report
Utility Account
Utility Account Sync updates
If you have any additional questions about this feature, reach out to us directly at