Get to know our new Portfolio Homepage and how to navigate to drill into energy performance and project status by property to understand the property-level dynamics driving portfolio-level trends.
The Portfolio Homepage and Building Overview now includes the Utility Note Leaderboard for a consolidated summary of open Utility Notes by building and how many “Need Response”.
Where does the data in the Portfolio Dashboard come from?
The consumption data in the dashboard comes from real-time or interval meters only. It is the same data that is used by Load Analytics and Energy Insights.
What is the source for the Greenhouse Gas emissions data?
Calculations are based on the EPA’s eGRID database.
What are the calculations for Carbon Intensity (Electricity Only)?
Building Calculation for Carbon Intensity (Electricity Only) = Carbon Emissions of building / sq. ft. of Building
Building Calculation for Group (Electricity Only) = Total Carbon emissions of Group / total sq. ft. of Building
* Electricity calculations based on EPA’s eGRID database. Calculations only include electricity data and exclude other energy sources.
How do I view the Project Impact by Category pop-up?
Navigate to the Project Impact By Category widget: Click "View Details" on the Project Impact widget, located at the top right of the Portfolio Overview Homepage. Review the Project Categories that have had the greatest impact or energy savings (kWh) on your portfolio.
I have utility bill data in Aquicore. Why don’t I see bill data here?
We’ve heard this request and are evaluating how we can combine utility bill data and real-time data cleanly.
My building is using xxx% more/less energy this year compared to last year. Why?
The portfolio and building dashboards display trailing 24 months of real-time or interval data.
New Asset: If your asset is new to Aquicore within the past 24 months, then you may not have a complete year in the current or baseline year. On buildings where this happens, you will see an exclamation point alert on that building identifying that there may be incomplete data. To solve this problem, please contact to discuss filling in the gaps and options to upload your historical data from your utility provider or prior vendor.
Missing Data: If there is missing data in the 24 months interval, the variance will be affected by the missing data. If your data has gaps in it due to device outages or other similar reasons, please contact to discuss filling in the gaps (common methods include: interval data from utility provider, utility bill consumption allocation, use of interval data from a similar period).
Utility Meter Change: If your building has gone through a meter change it is possible that the data multiplier needs to be updated, otherwise the data may be significantly impacted. This configuration can be updated at any time. You may also contact to get help troubleshooting the multiplier.
Operations/Occupancy Change: If your asset has gone through significant operating hours changes or occupancy (ex. asset had been vacant and is now occupied) it is not uncommon to see significant changes in energy consumption. Review Load Analytics and take a look at energy notes which were taken over the past 24 months to get a better idea of what may have occurred at the site.
How much historical data do I need to get the Portfolio Overview working?
In order for each building to have complete data, it must have historical consumption data for the past 24 months. Please contact to discuss methods to rectify data gaps.
Why does my team see different data than me?
You and members of your team will only see data for the buildings that you have access to within the Aquicore platform. Permissions are customizable and can be adjusted at any time for any user in User Settings by an Admin on your team.
How do I hide zero-value buildings?
At this time, users are unable to hide zero-value buildings. However, if this building is inactive and will not be receiving data in the future please reach out to to archive this asset which will remove this property from view.
My data doesn’t look right. How can I validate that it is correct?
Consumption (under Insights) and Load Analytics are great tools to dig into a building’s consumption and identify where there may be issues with a given building’s data.
Why doesn’t my building have projects?
Projects are created by property teams, operations and engineering managers, energy, sustainability, and ESG managers as well as the Aquicore Building Systems Engineers and Engagement Managers. While Aquicore does provide automated anomaly detection and alerting, at this time, project creation is manual. Therefore, if your building doesn’t have any projects that means that none have been documented. To get started with projects check out this guide and connect with your dedicated building systems engineer.
Why isn’t a specific project showing up on the Project leaderboard?
The portfolio and building dashboards will display projects COMPLETED in the trailing 12 months. If you believe that a certain project is missing from the dashboard, review the project via the Projects tab to make sure the completion date is in the last 12 months. All projects completed prior to this time frame will not be included in the dashboard. If a project has not yet been marked COMPLETED, it will show up in In Progress or Potential columns.
Can I select a different Baseline?
We have heard this request and are evaluating how we can incorporate the selection of different comparison periods.
Why does my project show zero kWh impact?
Project Completed Impact is a manually populated field. If you have completed a project but have not been able to quantify the impact of this project, please reach out to your dedicated building systems engineer and he/she will lend you a hand in calculating the impact where possible. It is important to keep in mind that some projects do not have a clear consumption impact, but may improve the reliability of your equipment or may represent a financial rebate which you received.
Can I modify the columns and data displayed in the Portfolio and Building Dashboards?
While the Portfolio and Building Dashboards are landing pages that cannot be modified, you may create additional dashboards in the Custom Dashboards section, which can be modified to present information specific to your needs. Please provide Portfolio and Building dashboard feedback via and by connecting with your Engagement Manager or Building Systems Engineer directly.