Our Electricity Monitoring solution gives you real-time access to your consumption data. The installation is simple and gives you the ability to quickly spot trends in your energy usage and to identify inefficiencies.
Before installing your sensors please ensure that you have installed and powered on the gateway first. For a guide on the gateway install see here.
Step by Step Guide
Equipment Check
You must ensure that you have all the required equipment for a successful installation.
Identify and gain access to the live wire that is to be monitored
Next you want to establish which direction the load is towards
Establish if the clamp will have to be disconnected from the antenna end for the installation. This is the case when when there is no space for the antenna end within the containment of the live wire, and it has to be disconnected and placed outside. (Skip here for the section that covers installation in this case).
Install clamp (if the wire to the clamp does not need to be cut)
Connect the Sensor end to the live wire.
Remember: The clamp is polarised so it must be installed in the right direction. The arrow on the side of the clamp must point towards the load being measured.
Attach aerial to the antenna end
Secure the antenna nearby with two-sided sticky tape or screws.
Remember: The Antenna should be parallel to the gateway antenna for maximum range.
Install clamp (if the wire to the clamp needs to be cut)
Cut the wire between the sensor and sensor antenna.
Locate drop-out, or create a hole large enough for the wire.
Connect the Sensor end to the live wire.
Remember: The clamp is polarised so it must be installed in the right direction. The arrow on the side of the clamp must point towards the load being measured.
Re-connect wire
Secure the antenna end securely somewhere. Two-sided sticky tape, or screws.
Remember: The antenna should be parallel to the gateway antenna for maximum range.