Home Page
When you first log into the Infogrid platform you will find the 'Home Page.' This page provides quick and easy access to the features that provide the most value and details the benefits so that you can go straight to where you need to go. From this page you can quickly access your active alerts, manage your installed sensors, access your reports; and explore active solutions, dashboards, and floor-plans.
Infogrid Platform Folder Structure
In the Infogrid Platform we use a “Folder” structure to help organizations, who typically have hundreds or thousands of sensors, manage and keep track of all their sensors. In order to structure them into an organization that can easily be navigated, the platform’s “folder” structure ensures every sensor has a location somewhere in the folder hierarchy.
Every organization has a root folder that contains all the other sub-folders and sensors. This folder has, by default, the same name as the organization, but this can be changed like any other folder name. The organization’s root folder cannot be deleted.
For guidance on how to set up the folder structure, see here.
‘Shared with me’ view
‘Shared with me’ is the first screen that is displayed to a user when they log in and this is a special view that displays all the entry points into the folder hierarchy that the logged-in user haspermissions to view. If the user has permission to view the root folder then they will only see that in the initial ‘Shared with me’ view. All the other folders and sensors are contained within it.
If a user has different entry points into the folder hierarchy, then all of those are listed here. This may also include individual sensors if the user has only been granted permission to view a sensor, but not the folder that contains it.
Folder List View
Browsing folders and sensors
Giving permissions to folders and downloading historical sensor data is also done from this view. For more detailed information on those features please see their respective guides here: How to Run Reports and User Permissions.
In folder view, you can see the contents of the current folder and change its name:
To move between folders, you can click on any sub-folder in the list or click on any parent folder in the breadcrumbs. When clicking on the sensor name, Sensor Detail View opens.
Interacting with folders and sensors
By selecting folders or sensors with checkboxes, you can move sensors/folders and delete empty folders you don’t need anymore.
Sensors located in the current folder are listed below folders. You can use arrows next to the column names to sort them by the column you like.
Columns for the listed sensors are:
Signal strength - Shows the signal strength between the sensor and its closest DT (Disruptive Technologies) Cloud Connector (CCON), Gateway, or AT (Airthings) Hub.
Sensor type - Icon that represents the type of sensor.
Sensor name - User given name of the sensor, unless unedited, in which case it will look like a random list of letters & numbers, e.g. DTE_bhqiob9qitfg00fvo470
Last reading - Shows how long ago the latest reading was received by the platform.
Sensor reading - Shows the most recent reading of the sensor.
Alerts - Shows how many unacknowledged alerts does the sensor have.
Searching folders and sensors
To quickly find and filter sensors you can use the search bar next to the current folder name. The search feature finds sensors and folders by either their name and/or sensor ID, and can be filtered by type if unsure of the exact name/ID.
Sensor List View
In addition to the Folder List View, you can see all your sensors in the Sensor List View. This is useful to see all the sensors in one list without any folders, but it lacks features like moving or downloading data and can be hard to visualize where a sensor sits in your domain, as your Folder structure likely provides much of that information. You can still use the search and sorting features, we covered above.
This feature is most often used for the managerial overview, when you want to review alerts across your estate, for example on starting work on Monday morning. You can sort by ‘Alerts’ using the arrows in the column on the right, and swiftly identify whether you have issues that need your attention, and then zoom into each sensor to see whether the alerts have been acknowledged and actioned.
Tips & Hints
You cannot delete a folder that still contains sensors.
Search feature filters sensors from the current folder and through all of its sub-folders. This means that using sensor type selection in the organization root folder, will list all sensors of the same type from your whole organization (if you have permission to see them).