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How to Add or Remove Meters from a Tenant

We get that sometimes your tenants move around. That's why Aquicore makes it easy to add or remove meters from any of your tenants.

Dan Allen avatar
Written by Dan Allen
Updated over 10 months ago

1. Navigate to the Tenants page under Setup > Properties.

2. Select the Tenant, then Tenant Charges tab, and click on the charge you wish to update. If you haven't added any charges, please follow the steps in this guide on Creating & Assigning Charges to a Tenant. You should see a modal that will allow you to add or remove meters from this tenant charge.

3. Click in the input area for Added Meters or Subtracted Meters. Once you start typing in the meter name, the options will begin to appear. Select the meter you want to apply to this tenant, and your tenant will start being charged for this meter.

4. If the meter is used by more than one tenant you will be asked to determine how the system should allocate the usage of this meter between the tenants.

5. If you wish to remove a meter from a tenant, click the X within the bubble of that meter to stop charging a tenant. If the people icon is next to that meter, you'll need to remove the % allocated from the selected tenant before you are able to remove the meter.

5. Verify all meters that you wish to bill back have a green check to the left of the meter name. This confirms that the meter is paired with a billable service. If you see a blue icon next to the meter name, repeat steps 2-4 to pair it to a billable service or to verify that it has been removed.

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