For a general guide to set up your dashboard see here.
Add Widgets to your Dashboard
To enable you to get started quickly and easily, we have created a dashboard library, where you can pick pre-built widgets that are specific to the use case you are employing.
Widgets are customized graphs that sit within your overall dashboard. Different widgets are relevant for different use cases.
Once you have added your dashboard, you are ready to add widgets using the "Add Widget" button.
Below are the main widgets used to create a Smart Cleaning dashboard:
Configuring your Widgets
Select your chosen Widget from the available Widgets.
Select the sensors you would like to visualize.
Select a date range you would like to see the data for. This will automatically default to the last 7 days if you do not select a date range.
You can also select the date range on a rolling basis by clicking the "Date range" field. This is also where you could also choose to exclude weekends, or only select working hours, for example.
Select your preferred display options. This is where you can select the data frequency (hourly, daily, weekly or monthly)
Click Save
Then repeat the process for any other Widgets to complete your Smart Cleaning Dashboard