The Bill Analysis Insight takes your utility bills and combines them with utility data to break down (in detail) what your utility expenses were, and when they were incurred.
Yearly View
This view can be accessed under the ‘Insights’ tab on the far left, then click on Bill Analysis. In this view, using the drop-downs at the top, you can encounter the current fiscal year statements, or view historicals by changing the ‘By Period' dropdown. Switch utility account(s) for the building by changing and choosing another account in the ‘Utility Account’ dropdown. And switch the utility measure in the ‘Utility Expense Type'.
For each utility bill, you can see the statement’s start and end dates, along with a breakdown of costs by their type, in the below table. Each utility bill is broken down by consumption, demand, taxes, late fees, adjustments, and other charges. Click into the month for a more detailed, monthly view.
Monthly View
Daily costs are provided within the monthly view--once you click on an individual month’s reading, you can see your highest consumption days and the day on which you hit peak demand. Use the weather overlay to see if extreme climate(s) caused your peak, or if it occurred unexpectedly. Each day’s cost is broken down to make it easier to look at and understand your readings. Select the ‘Utility Bill drop down to view data for a different bill, or change the 'Show Data For’ to revert back to a yearly view.