Charges are Too High or Too Low
One or more charges on the invoice are way too high or too low and have been marked as anomalies. We look to see if there is a 30% variance or higher depending on the comparison period you choose.
First, you will want to click on the individual charge, it will take you to the Charge Details module. Look at the Consumption Graph at the top of the modal
The part highlighted in blue is the period we are comparing against. Check the following:
Has the temperature changed significantly? The yellow line on the chart is the average daily temperature. If it has risen or fallen dramatically during the invoice period, the building may need to use more energy or fuel to regulate the indoor temperature.
Is the device offline? Or missing a significant chunk of data? Reach out to
Do you see what appears to be a large spike beyond a reasonable increase in usage from the tenant? Reach out to
Scroll down in the Charge Details modal and click on the ‘Comparison Details’ drop-down.
Take a look at the rate - if it has risen or fallen between the current and comparison periods, the total charge may be drastically different between the two periods. You can resolve the anomaly
Look at the Start Reading and End Reading for the current period. If the difference between these values does not result in the Quantity, contact
Compare the Quantity and Segmented Quantity. If they are significantly different then contact