Similar to the graph widget, the table widget has a lot of flexibility. There are normally two main scenarios where this widget would be very helpful. The first is for a portfolio comparison across all your buildings or a specific region. The second is to see the usage for a specific piece of equipment over time compared to a trend period.
Portfolio Comparison
2. Energy breakdown within a building
3. Configurable Options
Ensure you have the Edit Mode enabled.
4. Select the edit button.
5. On the BASIC tab, inside the Edit Table Widget, there is a series of available configurations that can be done.
View data for - building, meter, uses, source, space, or tenant.
Building selection mode - all buildings, specific buildings, or building group
Time period - trailing year, trailing month, trailing week, trailing day, trailing hour, today, yesterday, or custom
Breakdown by interval - 1 month, 1 day, 1 hour, 15 min or default
Electricity - kW, kWh, kW/SF, kWh/SF, $ or $/SF
Environment - CO2, Humidity or Indoor Temperature
Gas - CCF, CCF/SF, $ or $/SF
Heat - kBTU, BTU, kBTU/h, kBTU/SF, $, $/SF
Steam - Mlb, Mlb/SF, Mlb/h, Mlbh/SF, $, $/SF
Water - GPM, GPM/SF, gal, gal/SF, $, $/SF,
You may also choose your own custom title on the table and you can also select to show the trend column and energy star rating, when available.
6. On the ADVANCED tab, you can view other options
You might sort the data by breakdown, kW, kW trend, kWh, or kWh trend.
Additionally, sort by order ascending or descending.
Choose a maximum table height or hide the totals.